Equities Dynamic 0-100

With the OLZ Equity World Dynamic 0-100 you benefit from

  • Access to the long-term equity risk premium

  • Daily risk measurement and monitoring

  • Trend signal and risk signal combined determine the equity quota

  • Reduction of drawdowns

  • Implementation with highly liquid index products and money market investments

Current equity allocation

100% Equity quota

The sun is currently shining on the financial markets. We are in a positive trend and equity market risks are low. The OLZ Equity World Dynamic 0-100 is currently 100% invested in equities.

*Disclaimer: The allocation of the OLZ Equity World Dynamic 0-100 Fund corresponds to a snapshot. It may change at any time and the information on this page may therefore already be out of date. The allocation is not suitable for forecasting future market developments and does not constitute investment advice. It should therefore not be used as a basis for individual investment decisions. OLZ AG accepts no liability for any losses resulting from misuse of the fund allocation.

The situation on the financial markets is constantly changing, just like the weather. From sunny to cloudy to stormy - and people adapt. If it's sunny, it's time for a T-shirt and sunglasses; if it's raining, an umbrella would come in handy. Many investors completely ignore the financial market weather and wear the same clothes every day, so to speak. We show that there is another way.

Skim off equity risk premium and reduce risk of loss at the same time

Among the liquid asset classes, equities deliver the highest returns in the long term. However, in order to benefit from the so-called equity risk premium, you have to accept investment risks. For example, equity returns have a higher fluctuation range than bonds. The risk of loss is also significantly higher. Depending on the investor's ability and willingness to take risks, the strategic equity allocation will be different for each investor and thus also the potential return of the portfolio. Risk-based management of the equity allocation within bandwidths can make the use of the risk budget more efficient.

Equity market risks behave dynamically. In calm upward phases, the risk is low, but this can be followed very quickly by a sharp fall in prices. Anyone who sets a fixed equity allocation therefore takes too high or too low a risk in certain phases and either does not fully utilize the risk budget or overstretches it. This problem can be addressed with risk-based, dynamic management of the equity allocation. If the financial markets are calm, a high proportion of equities is held, but if a stormy wind blows, the quota and thus the loss potential can be reduced accordingly.

Weather forecast and storm warning - OLZ's dynamic risk management system

The dynamic management of the equity allocation is systematic and based on scientific evidence and the latest methods. Similar to the weather forecast, various trend signals are aggregated and used to derive the basic allocation. The trend signals serve as risk signals for the basic allocation - to determine the general weather situation, so to speak.

However, stock market risks are not always announced well in advance, but can occur at very short notice. Just as a thunderstorm can suddenly roll in on a beautiful summer's day and spoil the barbecue. In order to be prepared for this situation, additional indicators are monitored and aggregated into a daily risk signal. If this sounds the alarm, the basic allocation is overridden and the equity allocation is adjusted at short notice.

Daily monitoring and efficient implementation: OLZ Equity World Dynamic 0-100

With the OLZ Equity World Dynamic 0-100 equity fund, you can benefit easily and conveniently from OLZ's dynamic risk management. The strategy is based on the investment universe of the MSCI World Index and is implemented cost-efficiently with highly liquid ETFs, futures and money market funds. The daily estimate of the trend and risk signal determines the equity allocation, which can be between 0 and 100% depending on the market environment. The equity allocation is reduced exclusively in favor of money market investments.

OLZ Partner Michael Frei.
Michael Frei, CFA
Head of Clients and Partner
+41 44 563 30 82

Would you like to improve the efficiency of your implementation and benefit from the return potential of shares, but are afraid of the comparatively high risk of loss? Then make an appointment with us today.

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