03. June 2018
3 Minuten

Sustainable investment funds: OLZ is among the top 10

All OLZ funds have been sustainable since 2017. A recent study by Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) now proves: OLZ is one of the top 10 Swiss providers of sustainable investment products.

Download SSF-Study now.

Sustainable investments are no longer a niche topic. Institutional investors in particular have contributed to the fact that the share of sustainably managed assets in Switzerland has grown strongly in recent years. External pressure from the media, the public, investors and policyholders also plays a role. Pension funds in particular are expected to generate a "clean" return and to contribute more actively to an ecologically and socially compatible economy.

Sustainability becomes the investment standard

A market study by Swiss Sustainable Finance published on 30 May 2018 shows how strongly the market for sustainable investments has grown: since 2007, the share of sustainably managed assets has increased more than tenfold from 32.8 billion to 390.6 billion Swiss francs, 61% of which are institutional assets. The growth trend continued to show a strong upward trend in 2017 (+82%). This also increases the demand for investment products that systematically take sustainability goals into account.

OLZ with a focus on risk-return efficiency

According to the SSF study, OLZ is one of the top 10 Swiss providers of sustainable investment products. This top position among the big names is a great honour for us. In recent years, we have worked intensively on integrating sustainability criteria into the risk-based investment process. In 2017, all OLZ funds were converted to sustainability. OLZ customers benefit because the risk-based "OLZ Minimum Variance" approach can be combined particularly well with sustainability. Minimum variance shares, whose share price fluctuates little, are often also ecologically and socially sustainably managed companies. Unlike other providers, OLZ has integrated sustainability criteria systematically and in a disciplined manner in all strategies - the focus remains on the risk-return efficiency of the portfolio.

How does OLZ integrate sustainability criteria into your investment process?

Our risk-based portfolio optimisation and the inclusion of sustainability criteria are the two essential components of our investment concept. While the characteristics of our investment style remain the same, the sustainability profile of the portfolios improves. Sustainability also reduces transition risks in the shift to a low-carbon economy and strengthens the quality of the portfolio. You can read more about the whole process here: Investing sustainably with OLZ.

We are always happy to talk to you.

A lasting relationship with our customers is worth more to us than mere success. Get in touch with us, we look forward to hearing from you. Or contact us directly: