Sustainability The world of sustainability at OLZ

As an asset management company with a system that recognises its responsibility towards its stakeholders, the environment and society, and implements this in its behaviour and investment approach, we have not only integrated sustainability into our investment process, but also follow a high standard of sustainability as a company.

Sustainability is not only the responsibility of individuals. We at OLZ have recognised this.


Pius Zgraggen – Partner and CEO

Sustainability is a topic that is talked about a lot and more and more. We walk the talk! In line with our slogan «Act Smart», we have systematically integrated sustainability into the investment process since 2017, are continuously optimising this process and have also anchored sustainability in our corporate culture.

What we mean by sustainability

Originally, the term comes from forestry and is to be understood in the sense of «only cut as much wood as can grow back». This has changed in the 21st century and has become a key concept. One searches in vain for a precise definition on which there is general agreement. What is certain is that "sustainability" includes three dimensions: Environment, society and economy. Thus, sustainable development means more than "just" environmental protection and there must be networking ecologically, socially as well as economically - a holistic approach.

We demonstrate precisely this holistic approach by signing the «UN Principles for Responsible Investment». What counts for us is a sustainable orientation of the investment policy and the company itself.

We are always happy to talk to you.

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